Jul 14, 2009

The 1 Litre of Blood Test

Continuing on our knife defense theme, last night in our Street Edge class, our teacher Paul told us to go home and conduct an experiment. In order to prepare us for the realities of a knife attack we need to know that we will get cut and will bleed. Now bearing in mind that the average adult has about 6 lt of blood, he asked us to make up 1lt of fake blood and pour it out somewhere to get an idea of what this much blood would look like. Well the above photo is the required amount, the coin in the middle is an Aussie 20c piece, just to give a sense of scale. I found it to be a compelling reason to avoid knife attacks at all cost. As a mate of mine once said "I intent to win all my fights by 500 metres."


  1. Wow...
    That's quite a bit of blood.

  2. did neighbours walk past looking alarmed?

  3. heheh yeah the neighbours probably crapped...well business as usual in my house.

    On a related note i used to work in sales and someone was stabbed on the front stair. There was a blood stain not to dissimilar to the one in the photo. And it was a bitch to clean off, never really came completely out. Oh yeah, BTW that much blood in the sun stinks like nothing else.

  4. you don't need to tell a girl about the epic woes of cleaning blood off *anything*
